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Journal Papers  


C. Xu, K. Sameer, M. Yang, N. Ghildayal and C. Chandra (2024), "From Node to Network: Weaving A Global Perspective on Efficacy and Costs of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions", under review of Scientific Reports, May 2024.​


J. A. Paul, M. Zhang, M. Yang and C. Xu (2023) "Improving disaster relief plans for hurricanes with social media", Journal of the Operational Research Society, November 2023,

LeVoir, P. Farley and C. Xu (2020) "High-accuracy adaptive low-cost location sensing subsystems for autonomous rover in precision agriculture", IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications. Print ISSN and Online ISSN: 2644-1241, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/OJIA.2020.3015253. Early access is available at:


K. Sameer, C. Xu, N. Ghildayal, C. Chandra and M. Yang (2020) "Social media effectiveness as a humanitarian response to mitigate influenza epidemic and COVID-19 pandemic", Annals of Operations Research (paper ID: ANOR-D-20-00994).


C. Xu and H. Gharavi (2012) "A low-complexity solution to decode diversity-oriented block codes in MIMO systems with inter-symbol interference", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, vol. 11. no. 10, October 2012, pp. 3574 – 3587. 

H. Gharavi and C. Xu (2012) "Traffic scheduling technique for smart grid advanced metering applications using multi-gate mesh networks", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 60, no. 6, June 2012, pp. 1646-1658. 

C. Xu, R. G. Maunder, L.-L. Yang and L. Hanzo (2009) "Near-optimum multiuser detectors using soft-output ant-colony-optimization for the DS-CDMA uplink", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 16, no. 2, January 2009, pp. 137-140. 

C. Xu, B. Hu, L.-L. Yang and L. Hanzo (2008) "Ant-colony-based multiuser detection for multifunctional antenna array assisted MC DS-CDMA system", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 57, January 2008, pp. 658-663. 

Proceeding Papers  

J. Hammer and C. Xu (2019) "Dynamic inversion based navigation algorithm for furrow-traversing autonomous crop rover,  "Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, August 19-21, 2019, Hong Kong, China. 

D. Langan, R. Vraa and C. Xu (2018) "Machine-Vision Based Location Detection Solutions for Autonomous Horticulture Rover During Early Growth Season", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Safety for Robotics, August 24-27, Shenyang, China. 

J. Norton, C. Xu and K. Nepal (2015) "CMOL Cell Assignment using Exact Shape of Connectivity Domain", Proceedings of the 15th IEEE international conference on Nanotechnology, July 27-30, Rome Italy. 

C. Xu and T. Shepard (2014) "Digital Image Processing Algorithm for Determination and Measurement of In-Focus Spherical Bubbles", Proceedings of the 4th Joint US—European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting (FEDSM 2014) and 11th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, August 3 –7, 2014, Chicago, Illinois, USA. 

C. Xu and K. Nepal (2014) "Ant-colony-optimization based heuristic searching algorithm for cell assignment in a hybrid CMOS/nano circuit (CMOL) array", Proceedings of the IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Toronto, Canada. p.p. 262 – 267. 

C. Xu and H. Gharavi (2012) "Novel Tree-Search Algorithm versus Sphere-Decoding-based Algorithms for MIMO system with Inter-Symbol Interference", Proceedings of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, December, 3-7, 2012, Anaheim, California, USA, p.p. 4470 – 4475. 

C. Xu and H. Gharavi (2011) "Adaptive breadth-adjustable low-complexity sequential algorithms in MIMO Systems with inter-symbol interference", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications, June, 10-15, 2012, Ottawa, Canada, p.p. 1—5. 

H. Gharavi and C. Xu (2011) "Distributed application of the traffic scheduling technique for smart grid advanced metering applications using multi-gate mesh networks", Proceedings of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 5th – 9th, December, 2011, Houston, Texas, USA, p.p. 1--5. 

C. Xu, and H. Gharavi (2011) "Ant-colony based near-ML block decoder in asynchronous cooperative MIMO systems using a linear dispersion structure", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications, June, 5th -9th , 2011, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 1-5. 

C. Xu, L.-L. Yang and L. Hanzo (2010) "Ant-colony based near-ML space-time multiuser detection for the STBC assisted DS-CDMA uplink", Proceedings of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Taipei, May 2010, pp. 1-5. 

C. Xu, M. El-Hajjar, R. G. Maunder, L.-L. Yang and L. Hanzo (2010) "Performance of the Space-Time Block Coded DS-CDMA Uplink Employing Soft-Output ACO-Aided Multiuser Space-Time Detection and Iterative Decoding", Proceedings of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Taipei, May 2010, pp. 1-5. 

C. Xu, R. G. Maunder, L.-L. Yang and L. Hanzo (2008) "Near-optimum soft-output ant colony-optimization based multiuser detection for the DS-CDMA", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications, Beijing, China, May 2008, pp. 795-799. 

C. Xu, L.-L. Yang and L. Hanzo (2007) "Ant-colony-based multiuser detection for MC DS-CDMA systems", Proceedings of the IEEE Vehicular Technology conference, Fall, Baltimore, U.S.A., October 2007, pp. 960-964. 

C. Xu, B. Hu, L.-L. Yang and L. Hanzo (2007) "Multi-functional antenna array assisted MC DSCDMA using downlink pre-processing based on singular value decomposition", Proceedings of the IEEE Vehicular Technology conference, Spring, Dublin, Ireland, April 2007, pp. 1936-1940. 

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